A Quick Read Regarding Pediatric Therapy
Our team of occupational therapists are licensed health care professionals who evaluate and treat those impairments which affect a child’s ability to function in the home, school, or the community. Occupational therapist strive to help children accomplish activities of daily living, self-help skills, and engage in activities which are meaningful and important to them. They work to restore and/ or improve fine-motor abilities, coordination, and balance difficulties. They also aid in the adaptation to his/her surroundings by working on Sensory Integration, ADL training, and reflex integration.
The treatment of Occupational Therapy helps children engage in activities of daily living that have personal meaning and value. It helps to develop, improve, sustain, or restore independence to any child who has an injury, illness, disability or psychological dysfunction.
If your child has special needs or challenges that limit their ability to perform tasks related to living their life to the fullest, they may benefit from an occupational therapy evaluation. Does your child have difficulty writing or using utensils, problems with tasks related to getting dressed such as buttoning buttons, tying shoes, zipping and unzipping clothing, or challenges involving attention, following directions, sequencing, and/or transitioning between activities? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then your child may benefit from occupational therapy.