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5 Tips To Help With Stress During The Holidays

December 6, 2017 by Angela Hansen0

5 tips to help with stress during the holidays

The holiday season can be exciting and stressful at the same time. Especially if you are a family with children. Being organized and prepared for the holidays can be very helpful.

Tip #1 – Set a Budget

With the holidays comes financial pressure. Help relieve that pressure by setting a budget and sticking to it. It helps to set a limit per person. You should include 3 categories in your budget, gifts, groceries and holiday activities. The price of a gift should not be the importance, it should be the thought behind the gift. Something I like to do with my children is if they really want an expensive item that is not in my budget, I let them know for that item they should save up their own Christmas money to purchase the item. This takes the pressure off of you and teaches your children to appreciate the item they bought themselves.

Tip #2 – Plan Ahead

Don’t over book yourself and set expectations that are not realistic. Make a “To Do List” on just plain old regular paper or use your phone to create your “To Do List”. Often, there is so many fun holiday activities going on in the community and with friends and family, that you may not be able to do them all. You can always do some activities next year. When you plan to many activities you don’t fully enjoy them. Stop obsessing over doing it all yourself. Include your family in helping with the “To Do List”. This will make them feel important and useful and appreciate all that you do.

Tip #3 – Pick Your Battles

The holidays are not only stressful for you but for children as well. It can be sensory overload for some children. Remember to have patience with your children and if your child is just not having a good day or not enjoying a planned activity, then leave the activity. If you know dinner time is a time where your children like to pick fights with each other then maybe eat out, or let your child choose a different spot to eat that night. The holiday season is not the time to fight with your children, it just adds unnecessary stress.

Tip #4 – Make Time For Yourself

Don’t forget about your day to day routine. It is so important to fit in exercise, eat well and get plenty of sleep. When you are at your best, then your children and family around you will be at their best.

Tip #5 – Think Positive

Keeping a positive mind set is key to keeping stress at bay. Don’t try to be a perfectionist during the holiday season. Make your gifts and holiday planning your own. Remember it’s time to celebrate with family and friends and look forward to the New Year!!!


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