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Better Speech & Hearing Month 2018

May 7, 2018 by Angela Hansen

Happy Better Hearing and Speech Month! Our speech team at Sonoran Sun Pediatric Therapy is excited to celebrate with all of our families who share their time and energy with us. It can be a lot of work, but seeing children make progress every week is so rewarding. Have you wondered what your child’s “speech teacher” is working on every week? There are so many areas of speech-language that we target with a variety of ages, ranging from Early Intervention (birth – 3 years) all the way up to teenagers. Some skills your child’s therapist may work on can include (but are not limited to):


-social skills

-problem solving

-listening comprehension

-expressive language


The amazing thing about a speech session, is that sometimes children do not even realize that they are doing “therapy”. You may see your child playing with animals to practice sounds, or going down the slide to request “more”, or blowing bubbles to say “pop”. Everything is done with purpose. If you’re not sure what skill your child is working on, please ask! We love to give recommendations for home activities to make speech practice fun and to help language skills progress quicker.

For more ideas on working with little ones at home, please visit some of my favorite websites that I frequently refer families to:


As always, if you ever have questions about your child’s speech and language development, please speak with your pediatrician or come visit us for a free screening!

Better Speech & Hearing Month


At Sonoran Sun Pediatric Therapy we consider our staff members as family. Are you looking to join a therapy team to help improve the lives of as many children as possible, while working in a positive work place with ethical values? If so, please click on the link below to see if any current therapist or support staff positions are available.


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“We provide compassionate care and hope to help every child and their families live the most fulfilling life”

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